Wednesday, 19 April 2023

what does spices do?

   Spices are functional foods, these are foods that have a beneficial effect on certain target functions in the body.
  Spices always have been used for centuries for cooking and medical requirements. 
  Spices improve the taste, smell a colour of the food and beverages.
  It also used for the duration of chronic illness to help human beings for the maintenance of their health and beauty.
 Spices like rosemary, cinnamon, and oregano, have an excellent percentage of antioxidants.
  Research has found that spices have reduced tremendous rates of many diseases like cancer and heart diseases.

Let have a look into it ! 
  1.Cinnamon :
   Cinnamon as a spice is sweet but low in calories and sugar-free.
  Cinnamon helps with irritation and keeps away free die-hard staffs that can harm individuals' cells, and it helps fight against bacteria. 
   Cinnamon helps to reduce diabetic disease and has the potential to become a healthy diet.
  2. Cardomom
 Cardamom as a spice helps ease an upset abdominal and helps human health fight against inflammation.
 Cardamom has high reserves of magnesium and zinc. 
  Cumin is another spice especially used for Indian cuisines.
  It is rich in iron (hence can be given for anemic).
  It help to lose weight and improve digestion and metabolism.
4. Garlic:
   Garlic is a plant which has a powerful mixture of allicin.
   Garlic help to lower heart disease and prevent cancer. 
    Ginger is another spice which helps to solve upset stomach , cold and cough, sudden gastric issues in stomach.
6.Rose Mary:
 Rosemary is another herb that helps to protect against cell damage due to the mixture of antioxidants.
  According to research, the mixture of 1,8-cineole with rosemary will help to boost brains activity.
7. Turmeric :
  Turmeric is a yellow spice. Turmeric is a good source of antioxidants that simplify inflammation.
Alzheimer's disease can be cured by eating turmeric every day.

Key message to home: 
    Let us have what around us and help us! 

                     STAY HEALTHY 

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what does spices do?

SPICES :     Spices are functional foods, these are foods that have a beneficial effect on certain target functions in the body...