Wednesday, 15 March 2023

Pain in the back ! uffff ! no worry .. here comes the yoga for you !

Let us see about it
         Low back pain is caused by injury to a muscle (strain) or ligament (sprain ) 
 Do you know how it occurs
      Improper lifting
      Poor posture 
      Lack of regular exercise 
      A fracture 
      A ruptured disc or arthritis 
      Yoga is the only one which cures the lower back pain without any side effect 
 1) Surya namaskara
    12 rounds  
  Benefits :  
          These 12 rounds of asana will strengthen and Lengthen the back related muscles and it also warm up tha spine. It also relieve the low back pain 
 2) Big toe pose :
       Stand upright with your inner feet parallel and about six inches apart. Contract your front thigh muscles to lift your kneecaps. Keeping your legs completely straight, exhale and bend forward from your hip joints, moving your torso and head as one unit.
 Benefits :   
       This pose gently lenghthen the hamstrings muscles 
3) Bridge pose
    1. Lying on your back, bend both knees and place the feet flat on the floor hip width apart. Slide the arms alongside the body with the palms facing down. The fingertips should be lightly touching the heels.
    2. Press the feet into the floor, inhale and lift the hips up, rolling the spine off the floor. Lightly squeeze the knees together to keep the knees hip width apart.
    3. Press down into the arms and shoulders to lift the chest up. Engage the legs, buttocks and mula bandha to lift the hips higher.
    4. Breathe and hold for 4-8 breaths.
    5. To release: exhale and slowly roll the spine back to the floor.
 4) Shalabhasana
      1)Lie on your stomach and place your chin on the floor.
      2)Place the arms under the belly.
      3)The hands are under the thigh, palm facing downward.
      4) Breathe in and press the palms against the mat.
      5)Keep the legs straight and raise the legs as high as comfortable.
      6)Hold this pose and keep breathing.
            Shalabhasana is known to relax and relieve the strain in the muscles of the back. The posture also helps strengthen the entire back and aids in relieving back pain.
5) Cat pose : 
       1)Sit in vajrasana and kneel down on the floor with placing the palms between the two knees, while inhaling archthe spine and look towards the navel region.
      2)While exhaling make a curve in the spine and lookupwards
      3) Practice it for 5 times.
6) Dhanurasana
  1) Lie flat on your stomach, with your arms placed beside your body and feet hip-width apart
  2) Now, gently fold your knees, and try to place your ankles on your buttocks
  3) Hold your ankles with your hands
  4) Try to lift your thighs and chest off the ground, as high as possible
  5) Now try to maintain this position for about 30-60 seconds
  6) To get out of the posture, leave your ankles and lay straight again
  7) Relax for some time 
  8) Repeat
      These are the best asans for relieving lower back pain by removing the strains in the back muscles
    1) Nadi suddhi pranayama 
     Sit comfortably.
     Bring the Right hand into Vishnu Mudra (thumb to the Right nostril, ring and pinky fingers to Left, index and middle finger folded and resting at the base of the thumb)
    Exhale completely.
    Block the Right nostril and inhale through Left nostril
   2) Bhramari pranayama 
     Take in a deep breath and breathe out forcefully through the nose, without any strain.
   Immediately, breathe in with the same force.
     Inhale and exhale repeatedly, deeply and thoroughly, using the diaphragmatic muscles with vigour. The abdomen moves out during inhalation, while the diaphragm descends. The converse happens while exhaling.
    The above movements should be slightly exaggerated. A strong nasal sound will accompany such breathing. The process should be rhythmic and controlled, maintaining the speed as per capacity.
     Do ten cycles to complete 1 round of Bhastrika Pranayama.
     Some natural diets play an important role for all spine problems. Let us see some diets for lower back pain
    Foods to be included : 
         1) Kale 
         2) Spinach 
         3) Brocoli 
         These ar some diets which has the back pain fighting properties and these diets are also has the anti-inflammatory properties     
        Some fruits such as apples, pineapple, berries, cherries, grapes and citrus fruits Are composed of flavonoids and antioxidant. These compounds ease the inflammations and the back pain 
    Foods should be avoided 
       1) Sugary foods 
       2) Refined oils 
       3) Diary products 
       4) Red meat

                  STAY HEALTHY

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